Archive | May, 2013

Southbay Medal of Valor receiptients.

30 May


Words From…Horace

30 May

Words From…A Commentary on Comments

“Use this as a warning and prepare your supervisors in the event that the robbers would hit up your credit union next. Set a stronger perimeter, hire more armed guards, or add more cameras. Either way, the safety of the credit union is at stake since danger is present.” – The Red Queen


Follow @WGLARed on Twitter!!


Ever heard of ‘food security’??

30 May

Food security | Homeland Security News Wire.


Pa. universities to review gun policy | Security Director News

30 May

Pa. universities to review gun policy | Security Director News.

Shared Story from Thomson Reuters for Android

29 May

International crew takes short cut to space station

Full Article:

A Russian spaceship took a shortcut to the International Space Station on Tuesday, delivering a veteran cosmonaut, a rookie Italian astronaut and an American mother on her second flight to the outpost in less than six hours.

Hello Jetson’s!!!

27 May

It will now only be a matter of time until Space Tourism will become the thing to do. How about a weekend on the Moon or lets do a out and back turn around Vegas bus trip style adventure. Corporate researchers may be living on the moon by the time NASA astronauts head off to visit an asteroid in the 2020s, a study of future human missions unveiled on Thursday shows.

Shared Story from Thomson Reuters for Android


Commercial human ventures planned for the moon: NASA study

Full Article:



Team Jamaica celebrates at Adidas Grand Prix

26 May


More trouble on U.S. highways

26 May

This time a derailed train causes a bridge collaspe.

Mo. highway buckles after rail cars hit overpass  [AP]



21 May

“Danger never takes a vacation.” – Anonymous

What does this quote mean to you? How is it true? How is it false? PLEASE COMMENT

TIP #5 – Back to Basics

13 May

TipsThe Top 3 Safety Tips for those in the field and on the job! CLICK HERE