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Words From…Olaudah Equiano

19 Jun



“In honor of Juneteenth, today we are looking at a quote from Olaudah Equiano‘s The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano.”


Read more from our contributing editor, the Red Queen here.


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Words From…Horace

30 May

Words From…A Commentary on Comments

“Use this as a warning and prepare your supervisors in the event that the robbers would hit up your credit union next. Set a stronger perimeter, hire more armed guards, or add more cameras. Either way, the safety of the credit union is at stake since danger is present.” – The Red Queen


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Thursday in the Southbay

26 Apr

My day begins with the state of the city luncheon hosted by the Inglewood Airport Area Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Butts outlines the cities future projects and projections. The renovation of the Forum by Madison Square Gardens. The Hollywood Park project is moving forward in 2014.
In the evening I attended the Cal. State Dominguez Presidents reception recognizing its recent high achieving graduates. The evening was filled with great food lovely conversation and ample opportunity to network.


Here I am with a graduate her mom and Councilman Robert Pullen Miles.


The honorees


Gill a long time booster.


Congress woman Karen Bass


Carson Mayor Jim Dear Wayne Spencer Cal. State Dominguez President Dr. Willie J. Hagan and Assembly candidate Robert Pullen Miles.


The library how beautifil.


[AP] Pope makes Easter pleas for world peace

31 Mar

I like this new Pope. He is breaking tradition and giving me hope that we will see a change from the carefully orchestrated cookie-cutter church system, replacing it with a system that serves the people’s needs and revitalizes the faithful.


News from @AP: Pope makes Easter pleas for world peace:

Shared Story from Thomson Reuters for Android

21 Mar

Gun bill, background checks, head to Senate battle Full Article: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on Thursday any gun-control bill that passes his chamber can only be effective if it includes universal background checks, an embattled centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s bid to curb gun violence. I support a gun bill that requires universal background checks. As a pro gun advocate I support the second amendment right to bear arms. This right has to be protected so that violent felons and the mentally ill won’t be able to get guns.