Tag Archives: commentary


1 Jun

redqueen“Since every good quote seems to come from the Bible or Shakespeare, I think it’s necessary to take a look at what ol’ Billy Shakes has to say about security. “

Words From…Horace

30 May

Words From…A Commentary on Comments

“Use this as a warning and prepare your supervisors in the event that the robbers would hit up your credit union next. Set a stronger perimeter, hire more armed guards, or add more cameras. Either way, the safety of the credit union is at stake since danger is present.” – The Red Queen


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Words From…Epicurus

8 May

“Walls are structures of safety and boundaries. So if in life we exist without these boundaries then are we truly safe?” redqueenRead more from the Red Queen here

Words from…Aeschylus

20 Apr

redqueenI would like to say that this quote translates into “there is safety in success” but Aeschylus is not saying anything that simple.”  Read more from the Red Queen!


Words from…Dwight D. Eisenhower

4 Apr

redqueenIn today’s economy in America, people long for even just an inkling of security but if you’re any kind of realist, optimism for such a privilege is nothing but a dream. Initially, Eisenhower’s statement seems appalling, but let’s look at the scenarios.”  Read more from the Red Queen!