Tag Archives: public safety


1 Jun

redqueen“Since every good quote seems to come from the Bible or Shakespeare, I think it’s necessary to take a look at what ol’ Billy Shakes has to say about security. “

Words From…Horace

30 May

Words From…A Commentary on Comments

“Use this as a warning and prepare your supervisors in the event that the robbers would hit up your credit union next. Set a stronger perimeter, hire more armed guards, or add more cameras. Either way, the safety of the credit union is at stake since danger is present.” – The Red Queen


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Million-dollar Dorner

27 Mar

I think the one million dollar Dorner reward should be paid so as to maintain the public trust in the reward system. Any hesitation by the Riverside Mayor or private parties hiding behind the wording of the resolution is at best Monday morning quarter backing and at its worst a premeditated plan to never pay the reward. How will this impact smaller rewards for a hit and run or worse…gang activity? Put your money where your heart was during the time of greatest danger.