Words From…Epicurus

Words From Commentary“It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls.” –Epicurus


 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This quote is very self explanatory, however allow me to explain. Epicurus is expressing that we are able to make ourselves safe from many things but death itself. Since death is inevitable, it is in life that we live without the safety of walls. In an attempt at understanding this quote, I realized Epicurus seemed to inadvertently question the legitimacy of safety. Walls are structures of safety and boundaries. So if in live we exist without these boundaries then are we truly safe? In an effort to feel safe, humans create things like clothes and houses. By taking these precautions, we limit our chances of death, thus leaving us with a sense of security, however true or false it may be. If you’re one of those people who believe in no grey areas then this quote may conclude to you that there is no such thing as pure and true safety since death is promised to us all. However, if you share a general sense of optimism with the rest of human culture, then this quote provides solid hope that longevity in this life without walls is possible.

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